We should have 1 day a year where we vote on the 10 most important referendum questions. ?

On average, everyone agrees with significant nonconsensus between 379 voters.


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We should have 1 day a year where we vote on the 10 most important referendum questions.

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Reasons To Disagree

The problem with having too many referenda can be seen in California: a) you burn people out on too much voting, and b) you put huge pressure on the budget as everyone votes for spending increases and tax decreases.

27 August 2005

A similar situation in the cantons of Switzerland, I think. Participatory democracy seems to lead to poltical apathy, and the risk of interest group domination. For an NZ example, just look at students' associations and their low participation rates.

30 August 2005

Costs to much and would create to much static.

20 August 2006

The majority is almost never up to speed to make detailed decisions, because the big questions are always simpler than the answers

12 October 2007

Normal people with normal lives would not have time to vote so frequently so we would be at the mercy of losers.

12 January 2008

hmmm.... we would have to set aside another day to vote on what are the most important issues. Then we'd have to set aside another to decide on the ones we'd put on the list for that vote.....

7 June 2008

Most people don't follow politics much so this would end up being a voice for the already committed which they have already in the parliamentary system

3 July 2009

Referenda should be used very sparingly. We vote in a government to make decisions on our behalf. If we don't like the decisions that they make then we should vote them out. One of the problems with referenda is that too often the voters don't understand the issues. That's why we have governments, and not direct democracy. If the government feels that a referendum is justified, then it should be binding.

10 October 2010


Reasons To Agree

i believe we should have one day a year where we vote on the 10 most important issues because people would have more say on the issues .

17 November 2005

i come from switzerland :D people are happy there

15 February 2006

As long as the referendum are binding, I am for it.

25 March 2006

Referenda should be a fundamental cornerstone of democracy. Providing binding referendum is a positive step forward however it would require a certain minimum level of participation - otherwise it would only serve minority group interests. This need not be an expensive process in this day and age - if we get rid of more politicians and administrators performing useless activites this would provide a budget for the required initiatives.

1 August 2006

A democracy that allows it's voting citizens to decide on the most contentious issues, binding with a significant majority, is a better democracy.

15 April 2007

The concerning aspect of NZ politics has been the tendancy of sitting governments to ignore public opinion despite public mobilisation on several issues over the last few years.

28 October 2007

Yes! Democracy is power to the people, the rule of the majority. Democracy is not voting for the government that will screw you the least!

4 November 2008

one day would be a great start to us really having a say but i think we shold be asked when its inportant( before it gets passed in a hurry through parliment without our say) as it does now! We are finding out about law changes and bill amendment changes after is been crushed or flung through..... We want to be able to have our say before its too late!!

4 August 2009

Could work... but not binding referenda.

27 August 2009

Another no-brainer. People want democracy, but to disagree with this is saying the opposite. People M.uST show some reponsibility about how they want to live.

2 December 2012

Reasons for Remain Neutral

You don't need 10 referendum - you could probably do what's needed with only 3 - provided they were binding! That'd bring the pollies into line!

1 September 2009

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