remove tax on fresh produce from nz

Understand the gst on imported foods. They are of course luxury items not normal to the season however, wouldn't the added tax on fast foods including (if not already) confectionary and packeted foods cover the removal on healthy? There is a demand in society from the health sector to eat more organic and take more vitamins and eat more fruit and vegetables when it is far cheaper to reach for a burger or chocolate bar. I am home from Aus on an alkaline diet (no sugar or yeast products) and constantly trying new health recipes to keep my weight down but was shocked when a visit to pack n save last week cost me nearly $80.00 just for veges, nuts and wraps (yeast free). No meat or poultry because I couldn't afford it! I am in between jobs and have to wait until my next payment to get an even balance of "healthy" foods. Also, fast food tax? Does that include the "healthy" options and how will you justify fat food from healthy? As I see it its not the food thats the problem, its the indiv
Posted: 2013-04-03 21:38 by Lia

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