New Zealand should reduce it's foreign debt when we have a good economy, and only borrow when times are bad ?

On average, everyone agrees with nonconsensus between 182 voters.


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New Zealand should reduce it's foreign debt when we have a good economy, and only borrow when times are bad

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Reasons To Disagree

NZ should borrow money when ot needs too. If we need a major investment in infrastructure we should get it done. Do you not repair your leaky roof until it rains?

25 March 2006

Borrowing is used to grow in good times. not in Bad. When times are bad. Borrowing is the worst thing to do.

19 June 2006

NZ should live within its means.

28 September 2008


Reasons To Agree

It should happen, but too many of us stupid enough to go along with stupid election bribes when times are good. Witness the student loan mess.

11 October 2010

should borrow at lower rates to pay off higher rate loans would make sense

17 September 2013

Reasons for Remain Neutral

No reasons have yet been given to remain neutral.

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