In divorce, each parent should have a legal right to 50% custody of their child, subject to any custody being healthy for the child.?

On average, everyone strongly agrees with nonconsensus between 34 voters.


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In divorce, each parent should have a legal right to 50% custody of their child, subject to any custody being healthy for the child.

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Reasons To Disagree

Children are not chattels for parents to have custody of. However I beleve both parents where possible need to take equal care and financial responsibility for their child(ren) Parents and other adults need to keep thier emotional issues away from the child(ren) and not use them as pawns for one upmanship.

4 April 2012

I disagree. The question presupposes that the child has a good relationship with both parents, as opposed to one(/neither) of them. Furthermore, the emphasis shouldn't be placed on what the parent is entitled to but rather the interests of the child.

30 September 2015


Reasons To Agree

Most certainly. It is in the interests of a child to have an equally loving and financial relationship from both parents!!!!!!

26 January 2011

Yes. It cost me 2 years of grief and $20,000 to have 50% shared care, purely because ex. wifes family were deceitful (proven) and did not want to share, nor did they ever put the children first, confusing their 'needs' with the childrens. I don't want others to suffer like I did.

12 March 2012

the fact that Police, CYFS and the Family Court are all to familiar with "false accusations" when custody disputes arise shows something is terribly wrong with some mothers in this country - not putting their childrens needs first - or even recognising the harm they are doing to them

30 April 2013

definitely...sadly some are happy to walk away from responsibility

10 July 2013

Reasons for Remain Neutral

This is adequately covered by common law already

27 August 2012

Depends if both ex husband and ex wife are both financially capable of parenting the child. If one of the parents is lazy or a criminal then you have a major problem.

31 March 2013

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