There should be no protected earnings threshold on the IRD child support formula.?
On average, everyone disagrees with significant nonconsensus between 24 voters. |
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There should be no protected earnings threshold on the IRD child support formula.
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Reasons To DisagreeThe second family would suffer greatly if this were to happen. The idea of child support is for the interests of children. If there was no protected earnings then children would suffer and that goes against the child support policy!!!! 26 January 2011
There should be no government enforced child support payments, the arrangements are of no business to anyone but those directly involved. 27 August 2012
Reasons To AgreeNo reasons have yet been given to agree with the statement. |
Reasons for Remain Neutral
unsure of this one - but I don't agree with other commenter re no enforced child support payments - the NZ system despite its flaws is better than a lot of countries as the tax system is used to collect payments - you have to realise that many parents try and avoid paying child support at any cost
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