Parents who provide no care of their children should pay more child support than they do under current IRD formula?

On average, everyone agrees with nonconsensus between 37 voters.


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Parents who provide no care of their children should pay more child support than they do under current IRD formula

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Reasons To Disagree

This is nobody's business but the two parents, not ours and certainly not the government's

27 August 2012


Reasons To Agree

I agree that parents who do not participate in their childrens lives at all should have to pay more as they have NO extra expenses as a paying parent who has regular contact!!!!!!

26 January 2011

I don't believe either parent should escape completely free of responsibility. If there is a parent who has no physical or emotional support for the children their financial support should be increased.

21 July 2011

Adults who create a child need to take responsibility for the consequences of their behaviour, even if they were drunk! If they cannot be part of their child's life in person, then financially contributing to the feeding, clothing, health and social development of their child is one way of keeping their child out of poverty. If they choose to walk away, leaving others to bring up thier child, and contrbute nothing to their child's health and development, they need to consider sterilsation.

4 April 2012

totally agree....if they don't help with school holidays etc then they should pay to cover costs of childcare etc

10 July 2013

Reasons for Remain Neutral

I am in the middle of this, the parent may have own children by supporting them, if you make them pay more for the other children, who is going to miss out?

16 August 2012

This should be on a case by case basis. Some parents want to be involved but the other party is alienating the other parent. In this case, the alienated parent should not be paying more child support.

4 June 2014

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