The "Fart Tax" is the right thing to do?

On average, everyone disagrees with nonconsensus between 322 voters.


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The "Fart Tax" is the right thing to do

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Reasons To Disagree

I'd rather see a 'hippie tax' on un-washed kaftans and rotten feet.

19 August 2005

The FART tax was inherently unworkable, so should not have evben been considered.

14 February 2006

no we will just kill da cows :P or sew up there ass holes

19 February 2006

Complete crap!

18 August 2006

Dont spend so much money on pointless things like the Ameican world cup! Stop trying to screw the average famer when we bring in the freaken income for this country!! It's just freaken rude

3 November 2006

I don't think we're going to be taxing parliament on their offensive hot air any time soon, so why impose it on the rest of the country?

23 June 2007

Emphatically NOT! See the BBC4 documentary "The Great Global Warming Swindle" to see how we're being duped. The whole carbon tax idea is ludicrous - just another way for gummint to get its hands on more of YOUR money. MP's ought to be taxed on their emissions from both ends - they're all noxious.

30 September 2007

any1 who agrees should feel free 2 send me $1 everytime they fart

1 May 2008

It won't stop livestock from farting, therefore it will never solve the problem. It will only put farmers in financial ruin

29 June 2009


Reasons To Agree

Yes, a fart-tax should be imposed - and the price of meat should go up accordingly... and if that discourages meat consumption and profitability, then perhaps farmers should turn to growing vegetables instead. To area of business should be immune from paying for the environmental consequences of their industry.

13 August 2005

The name of this tax is a misnomer, invented by those who oppose the tax.

10 November 2006

Reasons for Remain Neutral

No reasons have yet been given to remain neutral.

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