Religion should not affect government policy?

On average, everyone strongly agrees with nonconsensus between 401 voters.


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Religion should not affect government policy

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Reasons To Disagree

There is no reason why some religous principles cannot inform govertment policy. Western culture, politics and justice is based on the foundational principles found in the Bible and it has served us well. There is no reason to suppose that it cannot continue to serve us well.

30 August 2005

It affects peoples lives so why not the way govenment is run?

1 November 2006

4 May 2007

NZ began as a Country whose laws and polices are based on Judeau-Christian ethic and I have not seen anything better out there

30 August 2008


Reasons To Agree

If a few % of the population are of a particular religion, then they can try to lobby for policy on the value of their ideas, not where they came from. There is no need for any religion itself to have any special treatment in public policy, over and above the value of those ideas under rational scrutiny

30 August 2005

If you check your history, you'll find that Western culture is actually the product of many cultures and beliefs. The bible is a part of it, but it is also based on ancient Greek, Roman, Arabic, Jewish and other influences. The bible itself is not that original and is itself the product of those same influences.

1 September 2005

Gummint policy OUGHT to be based on logic, reason and the equality and freedoms of the individual. Unfortunately those in gummint seem to think they're there to impose their own silly whims on society while making a well-feathered nest for themselves. HOWEVER - if a religion (or any person or group) seeks to impose its ideas other than by rational argument (i.e. by compulsion &/or force) they should be forcibly prevented from doing so.

30 September 2007

Religeon should not affect government policy, morality should

23 June 2009

Religion has no place in government

27 August 2012

This should be a law!

2 December 2012

Keep State and Church separate.

28 February 2013

Reasons for Remain Neutral

RE comment above: because religion doesnt affect EVERYONE'S lives; the way the gvt is run does

1 June 2008

It's hard to take a question seriously when neither the pro or anti argument is intelligible, let alone grammatically correct. I hope the other issues are written by those fluent in the native language, which I do suppose is English.

19 July 2012

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