Superannuation should be decreased slowly over the next 20 years, because there will not be enough tax revenue to pay for it.?

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Superannuation should be decreased slowly over the next 20 years, because there will not be enough tax revenue to pay for it.

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Reasons To Disagree

This is unfair to those currently on it, it should be dropped in 10 years time to new entrants, when I retire in 40 yearsit should be non existant, but we should be able to get unemployment benefit if we do not have an income stream either passive (stocks) or active (salary).

19 September 2005

Here we go again. Those people who have worked hard, saved for their retirement - by way of building assets or having hard cold cash - paid their taxes to support those younger than them are now told "You're rich, you're lucky etc" we aren't going to give you the superannuation fund you have been promised all your life. Perhaps the Government should bring in work for the dole (hopefully generate something positive for the money they are dishing out), abolish such things as Artists benefits, charge interest and generate income on loans they give out e.g. students etc and put the money where it is needed and deserved. After all it has been known for a long time that the baby boomers are coming through to retirement. Is it their fault that we have less people paying tax to support them?.

28 September 2005

Superannuation should be available to everybody on precisely the same generous terms as the politicians give themselves - what's good for the geese would be great for the Kiwi.

21 July 2006

We have had enormous budget surpluses for the last 5 years if enough of this is invested in "the Cullen fund" we should be able to afford superannuation for a while yet. We could probably decrease super as Kiwisaver comes on stream.

12 October 2007

Compulsary insurance to pay for health and pensions from the moment a persons starts earning should be introduced, combined with honest frugal governance.

5 October 2008

I'm poor enough now

11 March 2010

Is it not hard enough for the oldies anyway.

11 May 2011

No way these people have worked hard & paid there taxes there whole life's & should be able to live comfortably . Reduce the benefits

27 March 2016


Reasons To Agree

There will soon be a greater percentance of retirees compared to the people of working ages who pay tax. Superannuation is paid out of current tax revenues, so in order to maintain current superannuation levels, either the country needs to save alot of money soon, decrease the level of superannuation so that people contribute their own savings, increase foreign debt (but other countries in the same boat tho), or find money out of thin air.

31 July 2005

The payment amount to each retiree should not be decreased, but the age of entitlement must rise to 70. Those oldies with other income over, say, $25,000 should progressivly lose some of the New Zealand Super. Changes can't be fair to everyone, but the present system is unsustainable without dramatic increases in our GDP and any politician who maintains otherwise is a fool, a liar, or both. Disclosure: I'm a New Zealand Super recipient also receiving Armed Forces Super of $9000 pa (paid for!).

10 October 2010

Reasons for Remain Neutral

The question has to be, why will there not be the tax revenue to pay for it? People who have worked their whole lives contributing to soceity should not be dumped at the end of their working lives by the society that their work has helped to exist. When people give they should be given back to. A healthy society is not an aging society - which NZ is. The question should be - what can be done to address the issue of an aging society? Encourage families. Give tax breaks to people who have families larger than 2 children. Encourage the nation to grow - naturally and not through immigration - which ultimately does nothing to address the issue of an aging society. As things stand at the moment it is true there will not be the money to pay for superannuation in the next 20 plus years. This is a symptom of an illness that needs a preventative as well as a cure. Removing super addresses neither the prevention nor the cure - it fails to acknowlege the true problem entirely.

17 October 2006

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