Government regulation helps create a fairer marketplace in which more companies can compete?
On average, everyone agrees with nonconsensus between 351 voters. |
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Government regulation helps create a fairer marketplace in which more companies can compete
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Reasons To DisagreeGovernment regulations tend to close down competition rather than increasing it by increasing costs. 25 March 2006
All gummint reg's do is tilt the playing field, favour the inefficient, create anomalies and create a need for more reg's - a vicious circle which ends in chaos. 20 May 2006
A fairer marketplace is achieved by the right to trade voluntarily without any impediment. 7 June 2008
Government regulation only decides which companies can compete 27 August 2012
Reasons To AgreeLocal loop unbundling and broadband 6 August 2006
It should help. But it doesn't always. Could do better. 10 October 2010
Reasons for Remain Neutral
The purpose of government regulation is to create a fair marketplace. It does not necessarily follow that there will be more companies competing. Who still has a stranglehold on the telecommunications market?
A balance is required - too many monopolies are bad for the consumer; too many regulations are bed for the consumer.
governments usually over regulate & under facilitate - causing regulation to become a burden, rather than an accelerant
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