A free market is the best way to determine prices for products, services and wages?
On average, everyone agrees with nonconsensus between 357 voters. |
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A free market is the best way to determine prices for products, services and wages
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Reasons To DisagreeA free market can allow transnational corporations to accumulate wealth and power to the detriment of our local businesses, our workers, our environment, our national sovereignty and our democracy. Government regulation can help ensure corporations are subordinate to people. 24 August 2005
a free market is the best way to send factories offshore to sweatshops, and have larger countries investing in newzealand and taking away our businesses. how does that make our economy work? 15 February 2006
There is no free market. 10 February 2007
Reasons To AgreeA free market creates competition and choice to the consumer. Do we really want to be a communist country operating under Government regulation on everything. Can we not think for ourselves without having the Government make every decision for us? 28 September 2005
What drives a market? Sellers and buyers. The buyers are in control - If they don't like the price, they don't have to buy. 20 May 2006
The communists thought they had the key to a better way. Now generally agreed that they didn't do a good job. 22 May 2006
In most cases this is correct unless its a necessity in short supply or a monopoly (or near monopoly) situation. These may require some price regulation eg. electricity, water, railways 18 August 2006
a free market means people making choices 4 themselves. 3rd party intervention must maximise that; & there4 minimise itself! 16 December 2007
By definition this is true. Amazing how even a 5th form understanding of economics would completely disprove all the reasons to disagree 27 August 2012
Reasons for Remain Neutral
Not sure about wages. Does greater company profits automatically mean greater pay rises? Never seen this myself.
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