Tax compliance should be simplified for businesses with less than $1 million turnover?

On average, everyone strongly agrees with consensus between 57 voters.


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Tax compliance should be simplified for businesses with less than $1 million turnover

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Reasons To Disagree

Although in theory a good idea, given that smaller businesses have less relative resource to manage their tax regime, it has become obvious from the many attempts in the past that any attempt to simplify tax, especially by setting different standards for different taxpayer groups simply causes more complexity ending up in a worse situation. Especially given that such changes are suggested and implemeneted by a beaurocracy that feeds on such complexity.

1 April 2007


Reasons To Agree

Definitely. What is an imputation credit anyway? (from the persepective of a small company completing their IR4) Why should small businesses be forced to use an accountant, when most of the questions on an IR4 can be ignored. There should be 2 versions of the IR4, one for dummies (the majority of small businesses in NZ) and another for large companies who have fulltime lawyers and accountants who have the time to learn how to avoid paying tax. SALES less EXPENSES = PROFIT, and a fixed % of that will be the TAX to pay.. Everything else is mind boggling.

26 July 2006

bugger the $1 mill threshhold - Simpler tax compliance means less opportunity for loopholes. The entire tax system should be rewritten (not revised) to be simple & concise

27 July 2006

Tax should be simplified for everybody - it is, after all, theft when used, as this gummint does, to produce party propaganda like helen clarks "promise" card.

18 August 2006

Throughout the developed world, transnational corperations peddling goods made by slaves or children have decimated small businesses who can't compete agains't corperations with little or no labour costs. Most governments answers so far have been to reduce the native work force to modern day slaves instead of take up the fight against slavery.

20 August 2006

tax compliance should be simplified for *all* businesses

12 September 2006

cut government spending , perks salaries, MPs, consultants to think of a few would free up a ton of money .!!!

10 May 2007

Reasons for Remain Neutral

No reasons have yet been given to remain neutral.

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