NZ should enter into a free trade deal with China?

On average, everyone is neutral with significant nonconsensus between 55 voters.


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NZ should enter into a free trade deal with China

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Reasons To Disagree

We should encourage the government of China to open up to democracy and stop persecuting their own people before we have a free trade agreement with them.

20 April 2006

We would need to ensure that we are not the net loosers from such a deal. There is potential for the balance of trade to fall in favour of the bigger economy.

28 October 2007

Apart from the adverse affects it could have on New Zealand economy. There is the issue of human rights abuses in China. Our government says "politics and social issues" should be kept seperate, but I thought New Zealand stood for more than giving into the big guy? It may not make a difference to Chinas human rights situation. But thats not the point we would still be creating the idea that it's ok to do those things when we're not 'directly'influencing it.

2 November 2007

no i think it could turn out wrong.and put NZ in a shity as situation.china will f*ck us over

7 May 2008


Reasons To Agree

Trade is a separate issue to human rights. Cutting off our noses to spite our faces isn't going to affect China one iota.

12 June 2006

We have no choice, The US hate us now almost as much as we have been trained to hate them, so why not. Our Govt want to treat us the same way, we should all be mindless zombies and obey the "Official views", we will be told if we need new idea's NZ is becoming more like china every day, so why not become a state of it and be done with it. After all Clark and Mao both studied from the same schools on marxism - Just not at the same time.

19 June 2006

A free trade agreement stands to benefit the people of China as much as debating with their Government about stopping human rights abuses.

12 September 2006

don't show your stupidity over trading and commerce..... It's enough for small amount of stupid NZlanders. need to improve our education, why so many people still living in ancient monkey age??????

20 May 2008

Done deal - with the global economic powerhouse of the 2020's and beyond. Look out for the USofA to plead for increased access to the Chinese markets...

26 July 2008

Reasons for Remain Neutral

Any "free trade deal" is just a form of contract so it depends 100% on the deal. If it is within our principles and to our benefit - go for it. If not - forget it.

19 June 2006

we already have one

14 October 2013

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