Large corporations should be limited in size or purpose to ensure greater competition in the market place?

On average, everyone disagrees with significant nonconsensus between 359 voters.


Please read the comments from other voters below, then scroll down make your decision. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Large corporations should be limited in size or purpose to ensure greater competition in the market place

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Reasons To Disagree

I am against this since it is not clear that being "large" is by itself anti competitive. A firm which is a natural monopoly in a contestable market is, I assume, "large" but it does not have market power and thus is not anti competitive.

21 September 2005

no prices just need to be compared and monitored by trade commission. competitors encouraged. i would prefer a NZ owned monopoly to a market of overseas companies anyday! why is it the national party doesnt support nationalism of this form? because it doesnt work for all new zealanders that why

15 February 2006

Success should not be considered an illness

25 March 2006

I have to disagree on principle. But then I look at Telecom, Wee Willie Gates, Air New Zealand and heaps of others and begin to wonder. It seems to me that size does have drawbacks. I do wonder if businesses would, perhaps, be more "user friendly" if they weren't constantly being interfered with and bled white by gummint.

20 May 2006

Large companies foster socialism due to Parkinson's law of apathy, but let's not outlaw phenomenal success just yet!

16 December 2007

Don't support monopolies you don't like. Don't support laws and investors that provide monopolies with power. Laws to divide a monopoly only creates several new ones.

7 June 2008

Yes lets legislate against being successful, after all it wouldn't do for people to make their lot better for themselves now would it

27 August 2012


Reasons To Agree

Large companies are not dynamic, they are mainly predatory. They grow by aquiring their competetors, load them with debt and announce it as an achievement.

10 February 2007

Looks like most people have forgotten Adam Smith's number one point on economics - more players = more competition. I have no problem with companies that have become succesful on their own efforts, but most big companies have simply bought their competitors. Look at the supermarket sector, two companies for the whole of NZ??

20 August 2008

There will be a need to draw a line on what 'large' means

16 October 2012

Reasons for Remain Neutral

I'd agree if you left out the word "greater".

10 October 2010

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