Schools should be able to ban religious or cultural clothing or headgear to create uniformity?

On average, everyone disagrees with significant nonconsensus between 385 voters.


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Schools should be able to ban religious or cultural clothing or headgear to create uniformity

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Reasons To Disagree

But caring parents might...

20 April 2006

It's a basic civil right to wear whatever religious or cultural symbols you want wherever you want, whether that be a necklace or a veil. The schools have no right to interfere with that. It's called tolerance.

20 July 2008

a schools a place of learning!!!! why would the school be allowed to decide how those individual kid live? People must remeber that school is only a place of learning it shouldnt be the place where you learn your idealogy or beliefs.

31 July 2008

Private schools yes. Public schools no

23 June 2009


Reasons To Agree

I believe it is vital to ensure that all children experience themselves as equals with other children. I also firmly believe that filling children with religious ideas is morally repugnant in the first place. It's tantamount to brainwashing, and deprives them of the freedom to make up their own minds later in life. Consider the outright propaganda and untruths taught to children in North Korea. That *is* brainwashing, even though the teachers and parents truly believe they are doing the right thing. Religious parents and communities routinely do the same thing to their children. To me it is clear there is no difference between the isolationist political dogma of North Korea, and the religous dogma of religous parents and communities.

1 September 2005

A level playing ground makes for a good learning environment this could only come about with uniformity.

28 November 2006

The overwhelming majority of schools in NZ are secular and secular education seeks to removes barriers to education. Remove the headscarf like in France i say and the cross! They are not needed. I am a teacher and i dont want to see people parading their religion around every where. If I was gay which i am does that mean I should wave the rainbow flag everywhere?! No so remove barriers to education!

14 January 2008

if thy wana live by their religions thy should go back to their own country

15 January 2010

I guess at the end of the day, its a uniform and the point of the uniform is that all children look the same. Plus perhaps I wanted to wear a spaghetti strainer on my head in honour of the Flying Spaaghetti Monster, whose to say where the line is drawn? Better to make it clear..

17 December 2011

Reasons for Remain Neutral

Children have a right to their religion, they have a right to wear clothes that make them comfortable. Schools have a right to a dress code, if schools are not allowed to talk about religion, why should it be displayed in their playgrounds. I like Frances idea of banning overt displays of religion.

19 September 2005

needs sentivity here

4 May 2007

Regardless of what religion you belong to, freedom of religion is a human right. No one has the right to ban you from expressing that faith - as long as it is done with harming others.

5 May 2007

School clothing should be sensibly designed and selected selected for utility and purpose. Uniformity? Why? Do we want peas in pods?

30 September 2007

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