Hell exists as defined in the Bible?

On average, everyone disagrees with significant nonconsensus between 384 voters.


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Hell exists as defined in the Bible

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Reasons To Disagree

Born, live, die: end of story? Yep.

20 April 2006

Damn fine Pizzas though

10 January 2007

Why would you want to go to heaven? with that idiot who tells you how to live your life? fuck that...hells where the good music is...

15 March 2007

no its here an now

27 April 2007

Nonsense - the nearest thing to hell is having HC as PM!

30 September 2007

Actually, the Bible says no such thing. The Biblical references are to Sheol: "the place of the dead" i.e. the cemetery; and to Gehenna, which was a rubbish dump outside Jerusalem. These translations were distorted by Dark and Middle Age Christian leaders much later to keep the peasants pliant. Idiots. Read your own damn Bibles.

10 October 2010

Controlling people with fear.

11 August 2011

Hell is no more real than heaven. Its simply a way to control people *by fear* into devoting their lives to the certain religion. Why live in fear? Just live a good life.

17 December 2011


Reasons To Agree

My understanding of the meaning of hell is the earth as in grave. The Bible interpretation often ignores the original meanings. Another example is antichrist means someone who doesn't believe christ walked on the earth.

4 August 2005

I agree. I mentions Satan and Hell and makes reference to people going to hell in the bible - so I think it's true. But it's not bad people that go there. It's bad people who have not asked for forgiveness or repented.

15 March 2007


5 May 2007

Maybe so.

16 July 2008

Partially agree - I think there is a place where you go and suffer after you die if you don't get into Heaven that you could call "Hell", though I don't believe it is of the fire and brimstone sort.

18 August 2012

Reasons for Remain Neutral

Depends on version of the bible and human interpretation thereof.

24 May 2006

we live in it! gotta be better to move on...anyway there can't be a hell that bad cause ive been told that my dad is happy where he is with my my nanna shes great but hes an ass so if they are together im guessing that life after death is great!

9 March 2008

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