Living people can talk to the dead?

On average, everyone disagrees with nonconsensus between 379 voters.


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Living people can talk to the dead

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Reasons To Disagree

Born, live, die: end of story? Yep.

20 April 2006

Some saints and holy people do, but cannot believe that psychic people do. Sorry, on that, I'm a firm disbeliever

5 May 2007

Nonsense - anybody who claims to do so is a blatant liar or totally deluded.

30 September 2007

It's impossible unless you're God!

20 May 2009

They can talk alright. Being heard is another matter.

10 October 2010

Hmm. In my opinion dead people are dead, aka they do not 'talk' so its impossible to communicate with them.

17 December 2011


Reasons To Agree

It is possible.

16 July 2008

it is possible but prohibited in the Bible

30 August 2008

unfortunately yes. scary!

23 June 2009

even the bible gives that Saul and Samuel

14 October 2013

Reasons for Remain Neutral

Living people often can't even communicate with the living

10 January 2007


4 May 2007

talk...unsure but they do communicate somehow!

9 March 2008

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