Taxes on petrol should be used to subsidise public transport?
On average, everyone agrees with significant nonconsensus between 188 voters. |
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Taxes on petrol should be used to subsidise public transport
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Reasons To DisagreePublic transport will either live or die on its desirability, not on its subsidised status 24 April 2006
Its still not going to work 20 October 2006
The motorist already pays through his nose for the "priviledge" of driving on our pathetic road system. 28 September 2008
roading companies are very wealthy due to overprice machinery supplied by other countrys therefore forcing us to pay more fore roading, can solve this by the government put 1 billion into manufacturing new zealand made equipment 18 February 2010
Reasons To AgreeOur public transport infrastructure has been neglected for decades. Peak oil, high oil prices are going to mean that a lack of public transport will really hobble our economy. This is an urgent issue. 19 January 2006
Motivation to use public transport 26 March 2006
Any way to improve our public transport networks is a good thing. 16 March 2007
Reasons for Remain Neutral
special taxes should cover what they where collected for - was public transport mentioned?
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