We should pay more petrol taxes to cover the cost of additonal roading projects?
On average, everyone disagrees with nonconsensus between 187 voters. |
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We should pay more petrol taxes to cover the cost of additonal roading projects
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Reasons To DisagreeThe government of the day needs to be more consistent with the way it taxes road users. The annual registration should be abolished and should be replaced with a one of registration charge at the time of buying a new car OR when ownership changes and not every year as is currently the case. 12 February 2006
We already do 26 March 2006
Current taxes on a litre of petrol are 47 cents and then there is GST, effectively a tax on a tax. Successive governments have been collecting petrol taxes for decades. If the money had been put into roads instead of the Consolidated Fund we would have enough money for roads and wouldn't have the current infrastructure crisis. 18 October 2006
If the tax the motorist now pays in registration fees, petrol tax, GST on both and on oil, filters, tyres and other parts, cleaners, plus fines etc, was put into roading instead of the general fund, we would not have a problem with road funding. 12 September 2007
The motorist already pays sufficient tax to drive on gold-plated motorways. 28 September 2008
that facts are is that we pay more for petrol from the US so they can keep funding there war 18 February 2010
We don't need new roads. but we need to increase the RUCs on heavy trucking because they are not paying in proportion to the damage they cause. That's why rail and shipping can't compete. 11 October 2010
Spending money to improve and expand roads is neverending. Build more roads and more people will drive, a proven fact. Look at the history of roading in California. Also, the price of oil and petrol will only increase. The cost of driving a private car WILL get too high for many people. Mass transit should be developed instead of roads for cars. 2 December 2012
We pay enough bloody taxes and yet the state of NZ's roads are still some of the worst in the world! 6 September 2013
Reasons To AgreeWe already do 16 March 2007
Reasons for Remain Neutral
No need for more roads, petrol taxes should be diverted to public transport
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