A broken bottle of wine is a more dangerous weapon than a bread knife on an aeroplane, therefore duty free liquor should be prohibited on flights?
On average, everyone disagrees with significant nonconsensus between 216 voters. |
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A broken bottle of wine is a more dangerous weapon than a bread knife on an aeroplane, therefore duty free liquor should be prohibited on flights
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Reasons To Disagreenot fair, you set me up with this question, I am not giving up my booze. 19 September 2005
The joy of a quiet drink of wine whilst on an international flight should not be underestimated 24 April 2006
Why not ban belts while you are at it? After all you might be able to strangle someone with a belt (it has been done before) 28 October 2008
Reasons To AgreeNo reasons have yet been given to agree with the statement. |
Reasons for Remain Neutral
Another stupid question - ask rather , "WHY PAY DUTY AT ALL?"
Plastic Bottles on flights only maybe?, Gotta keep those rag heads in check.
Duty free liquor should be prohibited on flights whether or not it's potetially dangerous.
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