The best way to prevent terrorism is to fix the reasons why people would resort to terrorism?

On average, everyone strongly agrees with nonconsensus between 235 voters.


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The best way to prevent terrorism is to fix the reasons why people would resort to terrorism

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Reasons To Disagree

Terrorists should never be given what they want. They must be given the clear message that their murderous actions are futile and will never bring about any kind of political change. Those who encourage, train and equip young people to become suicide bombers must be tracked down and eliminated.

2 September 2005

The best way to fix terroism is to make the consequences of a terroist act more dreadful than the act of terroism itself

24 April 2006

Yes - let's all convert to Islam. And if that doesn't work, let's try ending poverty and disease. Unfortunately, most terrorists seem to be educated, well-fed, healthy Muslims with enough money to fund their operations so I think the first course is the one they are after. Most poor and hungry people haven't the energy or time to be terrorists. That's a different thing altogether which must be adressed. Terrorists are after power and resources or are used by people who want power and resources. If we don't want to give them the power and resources, we don't have to. The best way to prevent terrorism is to fill the world with people who like a bit of freedom and democracy and having a good time and will vote for people who do the same.

28 August 2006

And you will fix xenophobia & hatred how exactly?

12 October 2007


Reasons To Agree

Ending poverty would not end all terrorism but would certainly remove the reason for some of it, particularly when poor nations (and poor people within wealthy nations) are constantly confronted by images of conspicuous consumption.

2 September 2005

The greatest cause of terrorism is the despair and frustration created by the injustice and hypocrisy of those who abuse power and try to justify it as right action

5 March 2006

Finally someone is asking the real questions! We should not give terrorists what they want, but rather remove the reasons for their hurt and despair

13 March 2006

Yes - introduce them to reason - not blind faith.

20 September 2006

In general terms yes. But don't forget the key instigators who, despite how we try to help them, will rage against the West regardless. In real terms they are one of the reasons people resort to terrorism.

28 October 2007

laws of attraction

8 November 2008

We should not give terrorists what they want, but rather remove the reasons for their hurt and despair

14 August 2014

Reasons for Remain Neutral

No reasons have yet been given to remain neutral.

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