When Saddam Hussein was in power, the region was stable?

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When Saddam Hussein was in power, the region was stable

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Reasons To Disagree

saddam went in to many wars including a war with iran,that did not make the region stable.

27 March 2006

Yeah - right! A stable state of murderous chaos!

17 October 2006

Stable, yes, but not just, fair, democratic or liberal. These things are far more important than stability.

6 December 2006

The region has not been stable for over 3000 years.

12 October 2007

Bollox. Iraqis cowered in fear on their knees before the murderous tyrant... as they recently cowered in fear before Al Queda. Thank god for US forces.

10 December 2007

Are you kidding? Tell that to the million or so dead in the Iran/Iraq conflict.

10 October 2010


Reasons To Agree

i've travelled to a few countries where people do not live in a fair democratic liberal country... although i value that i do live in a democratic country, i do recognise that peoples first needs are safety, food and shelter... then perhaps health, education... continuing on to happiness of their family and their personal relationships... day to day life under a dictator is not really as bad as many think, children go to school, young adults fall in love and start families, women are safe to walk alone at night, businesses go on as usual (although this part perhaps the least free).. i hope that one day the people will collectively want/seek/fight for a better life, but to force western democracy on an unsuspecting iraq was a dumb idea... there were plenty worse dictators in the world who were due their final days who much higher up the list that oil rich sudam... btw, it was america who enabled iraq to make the region unstable in the iran/iraq conflict.

19 February 2007

Yes but so was the USSR during the communist regime because anyone who opposed was quietly taken away and killed. In the time since USA has tried to 'help' Iraq, nothing has honestly been achieved. Give the people what they want and leave them to their own devices! if things get messy again THEN USA can send someone back in - but really, its none of their beeswax

15 October 2007

Reasons for Remain Neutral

it is between horrible and more horrible situation

17 May 2006

no.... he made the nation scared

7 May 2008

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