Doctors fees should be subsidised more?

On average, everyone agrees with nonconsensus between 235 voters.


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Doctors fees should be subsidised more

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Reasons To Disagree

Fine - in Utopia where money grows on trees.

17 February 2008

It is not the government's place to give money to people

27 August 2012


Reasons To Agree

for the low income groups and elderly who need more frequent attention.

5 October 2008

Reasons for Remain Neutral

It depends on whether that means doctors will lower their fees or just pocket the cash.

30 September 2005

Why? How much are they subsidised now? I agree that doctors fees are ridiculous and rapidly taking health care - if not already done - out of the reach of a lot of people. I agree that costs need to come down. But, how much differential is there between existing subsidies and actual costs? Perhaps Doctors are being just a tad greedy and thier ability to raise their fees should be capped by law rather than subsidies being increased...

24 May 2006

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