Expensive surgical operations should be denied to the very elderly where they are not life critical?
On average, everyone disagrees with nonconsensus between 243 voters. |
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Expensive surgical operations should be denied to the very elderly where they are not life critical
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Reasons To DisagreeQuality of life is as important in elder ages as in youth. 11 January 2006
Who would be responsible for this decision. I am 60 nad would hate to have a hospital person make such a huge choice for me 1 April 2006
Depends on Quality Years of Life afforded by such treatment. QualYs are a statistical analysis tool that can be used to make this policy decision fairly. 20 April 2006
Third World thinking! Additionally, these people have probably paid more tax dollars over their lifetimes than younger people, so they should be even more entitled to medical care. 20 May 2006
Euthinasia should be a legalised choice/option - even elderly people feel pain and discomfort and we all know that we cannot live forever at this level of our consciousness - so ones humanity should be respected at every cycle of ones life 27 April 2007
not denied but they should be last on the list 1 May 2008
Treated equal?? 4 July 2008
All effort should be made to have an elderly person stay indepent and mobile for as long as possible.That means, eye,knee and hip operations are very much in priority. 5 October 2008
These people have paid taxes, fought wars for our liberty, bought us Xmas prsesnts when we were kids. It is an honour to look after our elders. 17 July 2009
Reasons To AgreeIt is abhorrent that people be forced to pay for state medical insurance, then the state decide their Qual.O.Life does not warrant state expenditure. 13 December 2007
Regretably - yes! We cannot afford state of the art treatment for everybody regardless of cost. There HAS to be a rational rationing system clearly spelled out. 17 February 2008
I semi agree, its their choice whether or not they want to do surgery... BUT its a waste of resources to be using on the elderly. No offence :) 16 February 2009
I'm an oldie, and I agree. Even if they ARE life critical. You gotta go sometimne. 10 October 2010
Criteria for this must be very specific, and appeals must be allowed. 2 December 2012
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