Schools should not be allowed to expel children, they should be provided with resources to cater for difficult children in separate classrooms?

On average, everyone disagrees with significant nonconsensus between 361 voters.


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Schools should not be allowed to expel children, they should be provided with resources to cater for difficult children in separate classrooms

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Reasons To Disagree

I don't believe school is the right place for many of these students. children without these massive problems have a right to learn, and are often harmed by the violent and disruptive behaviour of these students. We need to protect other students and still having them onsite does not do this. But more places are needed which cater for these kids, throwing them out is not to answer. But a non school based place is needed.

6 September 2005

I believe school is there for learning and if the student is intent on disruption then it is Not the place for them. Expelling is fine by me as ultimately the parents have a responsibility to do something for the failing child by seeking external help. The school teacher has 20 or 25 others to teach and this should be the teachers role - disruptive / bad behaved kids should be expelled. There are counsellors/private tuition/psychologists in the community where the dificult pupil can get help.

14 September 2005

Education is a privilige, treat it as such, unruley and badly behaved children affect all other children at the school. They should be removed. If you are worried about denying them an education, why dont you change their perception of its value

25 March 2006

Cause and effect.

26 March 2006

Children with extreme "special needs" should be chanelled OUT of schools into an appropriate environment where they will not impede the learning of more fortunate children.

20 July 2006

Schools should be allowed to expel students. At work if you are repeatedly late or show up drunk or stoned etc then youd get fired! Instant dismissal in my job... why not school... why should teachers waste their time teaching people who dont want to learn.

9 April 2007

How are the students suppose to learn from what they've done? Some students are doing drugs at school. If they are not expelled, they get away with it and repeat it over again. So, YES, they SHOULD get expelled. It's not fair on the other stduents.

20 May 2009

military school. Non pc military school. Kids need to be afraid of failure its not going to get them anywhere if you keep bailing them out all the time

3 July 2009

no way! those kinds of kids will never change - i know from experience. once a student begins behaving in this kind of way, they almost want to be expelled to get an early exit

18 July 2011

There should be a discipline school in each major city where you expel the student to.

31 March 2013

I think that if a child is constantly doing something bad beyond the point of learning from it or getting any better such as bullying or teacher abuse for example, then they should be expelled. Teachers shouldn't have to be constantly worrying about dealing with a horrible kid, and should expel them but also suggest schools or institutes to send them too that can actually help their problem.

21 May 2017


Reasons To Agree

I don't think we should be able to expel students. Shunting them out of the school system or onto other schools passes the buck and does not examine or deal with the problems the student has. Difficult children have their reasons (whether they know it or not). Sometimes the fault lies with the school and not the child at all. Sometimes it is the the child's family. I was a difficult child myself once, but went on to get several degrees and post-graduate degrees. I KNOW the importance of having faith that difficult children can grow up to be interesting, contributing adults.

5 September 2005

Outside of the main cities, many towns do not have a second high school within a 15 minute drive. What are you to do with the expelled students, send them to another school who doesn't want them either? or just forget about them completely? Schools in many towns are the only local government institution. If you expell a child, then the government and society is giving up their responsibility for that child. No wonder expelled childred end up unemployed and in jail within a few years. Society needs to fix the problems it has, its cheaper to deal with it earlier than building more prisons

6 September 2005

I think they need to look at things the student is struggling to do and work round them it is known that we all learn differenty and have different interest, some things shouldnt be compulsery

20 March 2006

i think dat da skewls shud not b alowed to expel students bcoz they need to educate aswell

27 March 2007

to a degree.

10 May 2007

Naughty kids need an education too, it will help them become a meaningful part of their community one day

3 September 2007

i highly agree with this matter and i think schools seriously need to be spoken to about what their position is with students educations and lives. i believe teachers and especially princaples at allot of schools have got a bit ahead of themselves and are liking the power over the children to much. at a college i will not name there are students being threatend of being expelled for being behind in class and having a bit of an attitude towards teachers. i dont think being expelled is the best way to go about that.

26 June 2009

parents must take responcibility, they should be reqired by law to attend school with there troubled child for 3 days as punishment to the child as it can be quite embarising

18 February 2010

But the extra classrooms must be provided, not lost through budget cuts.

2 December 2012

I think excluding children from classrooms is wrong, in fact, teachers are not addressing the problem of the child. If it goes as far as a sexual thing at the school, then that's another story. Each situation is different.

17 August 2014

Reasons for Remain Neutral

no child left behind means all children fall behind. if individuals choose not to engage in the school system, then they should choose another school (changes required) or go to a special school that suits their interests. the problem here is mandating that students attend the school that is most convenient for the government to fund.

19 December 2007

I quote, from the AGREE point of view, "I think they need to look at things the student is struggling to do and work round them it is known that we all learn differenty and have different interest, some things shouldnt be compulsery i think dat da skewls shud not b alowed to expel students bcoz they need to educate aswell" If this is the level of language skills that New Zealand education has produced (and by the looks of all the posts I've seen so far) you couldn't do worse than not showing up at all. The level of education is demonstrable at a level below that needed for comprehension of cartoons. Neither of the options in this question are helpful. Close down the schools and start over once the term 'education' is understood.

19 July 2012

Children are expeled for a serious reason! difficult children need great teachers who think of each child as an individual in a safe school community, but who are we to judge who is difficult and who are not!! we need Teachers who want to teach!! not teachers who want to be teachers.

16 August 2012

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