There are not enough jobs for the people on welfare?

On average, everyone disagrees with significant nonconsensus between 292 voters.


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There are not enough jobs for the people on welfare

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Reasons To Disagree

In my experience of looking for work employers require long hours and require super efficient and trained able to do the job backwards without being prepared to employ the person with only a good attitude and experience in something similar but be prepared to train them on the job and allow them to work the hours they can (parttime with sch hols) and get another employee to cover the remainder of the shift! Employers need to adjust their expectations so that many of us with family commitments can work!

14 September 2005

It is more likely that there are too many people unprepared to do any work, irrelvant of what that work is

25 March 2006

There are plenty of jobs for people on welfare: not necessarily paying jobs but of community benefit. If they are physically ca[able they should be required to undertake such work.

16 March 2007

Yeah right! Not enough jobs that are easy, cushy and pay more than the dole.

17 February 2008

There are jobs out there, but there could be more. The government should pay people to find jobs for people on welfare, so they can have pride in themselves and better themselves, instead of sinking into reliance on the government, and creating a voting pool for whoever throws them the most crumbs.

4 November 2008

There is plenty of jobs, maybe not the one you want, but people need to learn to work for something they want.

11 May 2011

Possibly thanks to taxation, the minimum wage, compliance costs etc. Objectively no

27 August 2012

There are plenty of jobs especially in the big cities but even in small towns there's jobs that only require 15-20 minute travels . I've been offered three jobs in the last week , one part time barista , one part time waitress and one insurance call centre there's definetly jobs it's about getting off your backside and making something of yourself not relying on a hand out of money every week when you don't do shit all (we all have to cook,clean & raise kids and we don't get paid for it so why should you )

26 March 2016


Reasons To Agree

most people on welfare havnt the education they need for the jobs they want it should be compulsy to study while on a benefit

20 March 2006

to simplistic

27 April 2007

The jobs are/were there. We are currently in a time of change so this may not remain the case shortly. What isn't there is skill match. Employers want people with the skills necessary to do the job they need to fill and the job seekers often don't have the skills necessary.

28 October 2008

I really don't like people telling others to get a job. What job?? There's hardly anything!

20 May 2009

In addition to my previous comment they could also tidy schools up and make school breakfast and lunches.

14 October 2013

Reasons for Remain Neutral

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