The health system works for me?

On average, everyone agrees with nonconsensus between 291 voters.


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The health system works for me

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Reasons To Disagree

Yeah - it works fine - until you need treatment!

7 November 2006

The Health system doesn't work for anyone.

6 December 2006

So far. But it's overburdened with bureaucracy and waste. As a country we don't earn enough to pay frontline staff competitively. We're going to go backwards. Our Kiwi-trained doctors are going offshore in droves and we end up with more and more doctors who have English as a second language. Not a good trend. I'm getting on a bit. When I talk to my doctor I don't want to have to perform mental gymnastics to ensure that he or she understands me. I don't want to have to ask the doctor to repeat himself three times because his Ghanaian/Cantonese/Sri-Lankan accent is too strong for my battered hearing to understand easily.

10 October 2010


Reasons To Agree

No reasons have yet been given to agree with the statement.

Reasons for Remain Neutral

It is difficult to say for someone who uses the healthcare system very little. This I will say... we all work for the healthcare system. Putting ACC levies together with car registrations is putting a big strain on lower income people as it combines 2 needs together and raises the likelyhood of attracting fines. Personally I would rather have free healthcare than be sending troops to Afghanistan or GE trials...perhaps as a society we should prioritise human needs over political whims? If healthcare was universally free then I would have to agree that it works for us. Until that time... we work for it. for more.

21 March 2011

I have not used the healthcare system a lot but I am a Medical Administrator so know about it. It costs too much money if you are e.g. battling cancer, ill or something definitely - some of it must be paid for. But the fact that people are being pushed into the private sector from the public one because there's not enough staff or enough funding to have priorities over is so wrong. Everyone should be entitled to have access to healthcare.

17 August 2014

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