Development that is good for business is good for the community.?

On average, everyone is neutral with nonconsensus between 208 voters.


Please read the comments from other voters below, then scroll down make your decision. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Development that is good for business is good for the community.

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Reasons To Disagree

not always so

11 May 2007


Reasons To Agree

More often than not. Be careful with 'community views' as these are often representative of small organised groups rather than the community as a whole.

10 August 2007

Reasons for Remain Neutral

This is generally true - but only if the community wants it. And it is not always true. Some developments are actually detrimental to communities in ways other than economically. There are health and environment issues aswell. Other developments can in fact reduce the need to employment within a community where the development is more efficient than an older existing one and requires less staff but produces better and more efficiently and shuts the older business down. There are many complicating factors at play in the issue of development. The only thing that holds true is that 1. Development is important and 2. Development that is not wanted by the community should not proceed. The wishes of the community that will be affected must take precedent.

17 October 2006

Yet another dumb Q! the answer is clearly yes and no!

17 February 2008


11 October 2010

My View

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