Free trade (no tariffs or subsidies) is the best way to solve world poverty?

On average, everyone is neutral with significant nonconsensus between 231 voters.


Please read the comments from other voters below, then scroll down make your decision. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Free trade (no tariffs or subsidies) is the best way to solve world poverty

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Reasons To Disagree

Look at the subsidies the US, EU and Japan provide their farmers. Every cow in Japan gets something crazy like US$8/day spent on it in subsidies. "Free trade" typically involves liberalising developing countries' economies, whilst maintaining elevated tariffs in areas of their comparative advantage in the first world (eg. agriculture, textiles). "Free trade" may work, but only if it is truly free - not the sham it is now.

8 September 2005

Free Trade is bad, bad, bad. Equality of trade is a far better alternative. And fairer. There can be no true free trade between nations with hugely differing standards for the workplace, for property rights, raw materials natural endowment, etc.

27 April 2007

Responsible govt is a better way. Example - Rhodesia was a profitable country now Zimbabwe is an economic basket case - problem poor governance.

28 October 2007


Reasons To Agree

The trade barriers put up by wealthy countries are a major obstacle preventing poor peoples from improving their lot. Unfortunately, some trade deals have been termed "free trade" when they have actually introduced new restrictions, thus giving free trade a bad name.

7 September 2005

It is certainly A way but not necessarily THE way

13 March 2006

Anybody should be free to trade with whoever they wish without interference from gummints.

5 April 2006

And agreed minimum wage for countries producing the goods

14 October 2013

Reasons for Remain Neutral

This isn't about poverty it is about freedom, ethics and tho right thing to do. No tariffs or subsidies is the only moral way

27 August 2012

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