Defendents who were found not guilty, must prove their innocence before any compensation should be paid?
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Defendents who were found not guilty, must prove their innocence before any compensation should be paid
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Reasons To DisagreeIf "innocent" is different to "Not guilty" and compensation depends on "innocent" then our justice system should be "guilty", "not guilty due to...(ie insufficient evidence)" or "innocent" Otherwise "not guilty" equals "Innocent" and false imprisonment deserves compensation. 19 September 2005
This is contrary to Natural Justice. It is not my duty to prove my innocence, but a prosecutor's to prove my guilt. 14 February 2006
Crap, this is putting them on trial twice. If a jury or judge has found them not guilty, then they have the right to be treated as innocent. Anyone who thinks differently (which I know there's a lot) is a complete moron. That's moron ok, m..o..r..oo..oo..o. 20 July 2006
There's no such word - you mean "defendAnt"! It can be extremely difficult (unreasonably so) to prove innocence. Compensation certainly ought to be available where justifiable - but it needs to be judiciously decided - by a rational judge - and there don't appear to be many of those. 16 December 2006
You are innocent until proven guilty, or that is how it should be. No compensation shouldn't be allowed, unless of course someone is wrongfully imprisoned in which case they should be eligible for compensation. If any one deserved money though it should be the victim not the offender. 6 September 2013
Reasons To AgreeIt's difficult to prosecute many rape cases. The defendent will get off if there is not enough evidence to put them in jail. This doesn't mean that they did not really commit the rape. Do you really want to be compensating rapists just because their wasn't enough evidence to put them in jail? They should be thankful they're walking free. 13 August 2005
Yes, they must have proof - otherwise every parasite willl be seeking compensation and further clogging our system with selfish and frivolous claims 13 August 2005
For the trials like david bains then yeah most certainly. He never spoke and let lawyers do his talking, bain is a coward and a murderer 6 November 2017
Reasons for Remain Neutral
Not sure what compensation this refers to. If it is compensation such as legal aid everyone is entitled to quality a legal defence.
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