All countries should provide aid to a level of 0.7% of their GDP?

On average, everyone agrees with significant nonconsensus between 229 voters.


Please read the comments from other voters below, then scroll down make your decision. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

All countries should provide aid to a level of 0.7% of their GDP

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Reasons To Disagree

How about another 0.5% for blah and another 1& for balh blah.......we should give what we want, when we want to whatever we want, not be directed to pay a world tax

30 March 2006

Who gave the pollies the right to dish out tax-payers cash to feed their own ego?

5 April 2006

no we all work hard for our money,why should we work hard and just giver it away

7 May 2008

The money comes from people, let them decide how much or how little to give, if any that is

27 August 2012

thats a lot for some countries and not effort for richer ones

14 October 2013


Reasons To Agree

why not? the number should be more even? look at hurricane katrina, the uses got more relief than poor countries!!!

15 February 2006

How can anyone sit at their comptuer with the world at there finger tips and disagree that New Zealand shouldn't help with the poverty in the world, how can people sit their with food in their frigde, water in their tap and income. We live in a country with everything we need yet we ask for more. why cant we as a country help? We live in a place where we have the resources, money and the people to help make a difference yet no one will! were all into oursleves. there's people sitting on their computer right now and saying no to making poverty history, and there's people in our world right now dying from dieases that are preventable, they're ding from their own water! Stop being so sick New Zeland and help these countries. It's becasue we live in New Zealand that we have to help

1 November 2006

I believe that is what has been worked out and agreed upon by far cleverer people than us.

1 October 2007

As we all agreed.

10 October 2010

Reasons for Remain Neutral

to whom should we provide the aid?

12 October 2007

My View

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