References to Jesus or any specific religion should be removed from procedures of parliament and legislature?

On average, everyone agrees with significant nonconsensus between 90 voters.


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References to Jesus or any specific religion should be removed from procedures of parliament and legislature

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Reasons To Disagree

Over 2 million people listed them selves as Christian at the last census.

22 February 2007

There's no harm done by it

5 May 2007

Acknowleding God in parliment is inetirely consistant with our NZ cultural background. Moreover by acknowledging God those who serve our society are acknowledging their accoutablility to an objective standard and to the ideal of service - perhaps no bad thing.

28 October 2007

There is a flawed perception that secular is neutral - when we abandon any higher calling or fundamental basis for our rules of right and wrong we leave ourselves open to loosing the moral foundation of our society. Look at the "secular" nations that have suppressed and put down religion (e.g. USSR under Stalin, China under Mao, Cambodia under PolPot) and see the wholesale slaughter and ruthless repression of people.

7 February 2008

It is the countries heritage.

5 October 2008


Reasons To Agree

Parliament and legislation is for all the people, not just those that consider themselves christian. Any ceremonial procedures needs to be inclusive of us all. This does not in any way disresepct those who are christian, unless christians believe that being given equal standing to everyone else is disrespectful to them.

16 March 2007

"Over 2 million people listed them selves as Christian at the last census." That means that the rest of us didn't!

23 September 2007

They should never have been there in the first place. Gummint OUGHT (and is SUPPOSED to be) secular.

30 September 2007

Separation of church and state. It's a no-brainer.

10 October 2010

Because its not fair to all of us that simply dont believe. Cmon guys, beliefs are personal and should be kept out of politics.

17 December 2011

This is a no brainer!

2 December 2012

Reasons for Remain Neutral

depends on what the legislation is dealing, you might have some dealing with something with Jesus etc in it, then it would be included.

14 October 2013

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